Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where next???

Went to studylink a few days ago... Hmmm... Definitely Australia. No UK. Rather drown myself in the English Channel than touch that piece of land.

UK currency so high but their landmass for expansion is so small. Go screw yourself =.= Australia... still has over 70% for development... this might be a gravy train. My choices?

RMIT Melbourne
University of Newcastle (2hrs north of sydney, not UK)
University of Wollongong (Brother gave me a comment of 'super village MAN!')

Environmental Engineering... Never heard of it? Too bad for you.

When will I go over? After Chinese New Year 2011... Please dun tell me good luck so early on... else i think you are trying to oust me from Penang T.T...


  1. Good choice of course, Env Eng is the way of the future.

    We've just posted a piece on getting a student visa for Australia - hope you find it useful:

    Jonathan at
